Want to learn astrology? Study with me.
Learn the skills you need to practice and teach the art of astrology effectively through independent, structured study. I can be of most benefit to those with interest in my areas of expertise:
- Traditional astrology (with an emphasis on cross-era literacy)
- Modern psychological astrology
- Powerful specialist techniques, like horary, elections and timing
- History of astrology’s development
About Wade Caves – qualifications and practice
I began studying astrology in 2011 with the Mayo School of Astrology under principal Wendy Stacey. There, I learned the astronomy of chart construction and a psychological approach to natal astrology, graduating with honors in 2012.
In 2013, I enrolled in Deborah Houlding’s School of Traditional Astrology (STA). My initial introduction to horary was an intensive course taught in London, and my studies continued through private mentorship with Deborah via the STA’s masters-level program. I graduated from both courses of study with honors, and began taking clients and publishing case studies for the public in 2014.
I started teaching for the STA in 2015. I led intensive courses in person across the US, Europe, and Canada; and, as technical solutions improved, I spearheaded the school’s efforts to adapt the course to an online, distance-learning format, which was recently adopted by the new Spanish language tutorial team led by colleague María Blaquier.
Delivered by a dedicated tutorial team with over 125 years of combined professional experience, and in four different languages (English, Chinese, Greek, Spanish) the STA graduates over two hundred students through its practitioners-level horary program each year.
In 2022, I expanded the STA’s curriculum and developed an astronomy course for astrologers. That syllabus covers coordinate systems, themes in celestial navigation, fixed stars and cultural astronomy, methods of measuring time, manual chart calculation, and a brief history of the transmission of astronomical knowledge in the West. That course graduates up to forty students per year.
I began my public speaking career in 2015, and have been trusted to teach at the highest caliber astrological conferences (United Astrology Conferences, Northwest Astrological Conferences, Astrological Association conferences, International Society for Astrological Research conferences, etc.), astrological schools (School of Traditional Astrology, London School of Astrology, Mayo School of Astrology, Faculty of Astrological Studies, etc.), and member organizations (Association for Astrological Networking, National Council for Geocosmic Research, Astrology Hub, etc.).
In 2023, I organized an inaugural World Astrology Summit, hosting experienced speakers from a wide range of theoretical backgrounds – some more traditional in technique, some more avant garde – to share their work in global astrology. This Summit hosts discussions in geopolitics, finance and economics, weather and agriculture, arts and culture, developments in science and tech, trends in world religion, and civil infrastructure, with regional forecasts from qualified local experts. At the first Summit, represented regions included the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Economic Area, Argentina, Turkey, Kenya, Ghana, Australia, China and East Asia, and more.
I am currently writing a course on world astrology, a branch of astrology that focuses on the kinds of things that can’t be captured by natal, electional, or horary astrology. The course is tentatively slated for 2024 release.
My work has been published in respected astrological journals and magazines, such as The Mountain Astrologer, The Journal of the Astrological Association, WellBeing Magazine, and in popular publications like The Guardian, Newsweek, Buzzfeed, and Teen Vogue.
I was the editor and annotator of the 300th anniversary edition of William Lilly’s History of His Life and Times (Rubedo Press, 2015). William Lilly was one of the most prolific and skilled horary astrologers in the English-speaking world, active in the 17th century around the time of the Second English Civil War.
My column World Reflections is published in the quarterly editions of The Mountain Astrologer. I am the editor of the In Mundo world astrology journal hosted by Skyscript, and manager of the Skyscript YouTube channel.
Today, I practice astrology full-time. I held parallel careers for the first fifteen years of my professional life. I worked in customer service, inventory planning, and data analytics and reporting functions. My most recent job was in an executive advisor role with a data consulting firm specializing in large-scale infrastructure firms. I have a bachelor’s degree in linguistics from the University of Washington.