Horary astrology

Astrology’s most incisive tool for decision making and problem-solving

What is horary astrology?

Horary (sometimes called interrogational or question-based astrology) is a problem-solving application of astrology. Its primary purpose is to shed light on specific dilemmas or issues. If you find yourself grappling with a situation, and common-sense alternatives haven’t provided the resolution you seek, horary could be an appropriate option.

  • Problem-resolution at its core: Unlike other branches of astrology that map out broad courses of personal or interpersonal history, horary zeroes in on an individual problem. Horary provides a robust and reliable framework for understanding the present, past, and future, and how they are bound in each other.
  • Gaining perspective: Horary isn’t just about finding answers – it’s about getting a clearer perspective on the nature of your problem. Through active consultation, we will work together to understand the archetypal structures in play. Interpersonal nuances, underlying causes, helps and hindrances can all be queried to help you determine your preferred path of right action.
  • A time-tested divinatory practice: Horary astrology is deeply rooted in the annals of history, with early origins in Babylonian and Chaldean astral omenology. Over thousands of years and thousands of miles, this technique was tested and refined, forming the heart of astrological practice in the West. Historically it was leveraged to tend to the needs of kings and paupers alike, and today horary continues to help people of all social strata resolve their problems.

If you’re seeking a unique and tailored insight into a pressing problem, horary astrology can provide a focused path to understanding and resolution.

What kinds of questions can be answered with horary astrology?

The best consultations come from important questions asked at a time when you’re preparing your next steps. The formulation of a problem into a question is a thought exercise to help you clarify your intentions when consulting an astrologer. Can’t find the right wording for your question? Don’t worry – successful consultations can also come from problems that are harder to define. If you have a sense of what’s going on, and given thought to what information you need from an astrological consultation to move forward, you’re ready to meet with me.

Filtering what’s appropriate to submit to horary analysis is simple, but firm: if you have a genuine problem (i.e., not some trivial curiosity of the mind), and it’s your business to know what’s ahead (i.e., your question is of direct personal relevance and not seeking to probe into the private lives of others), then it is an appropriate question for horary.

Some examples of questions I have recently resolved for clients:

  • Will I get the job that I have applied to, and should I take it?
  • Will I be able to sell my property this year?
  • Is there a future in this relationship?
  • Where is my missing passport?
  • Am I in a favorable position to win my court case?
  • Will my international journey go well?
  • Should I merge businesses with this potential business partner?
  • Will I get pregnant this year?

What makes a horary chart different from other types of charts? How is it constructed?

Horary astrology distinguishes itself from other astrological practices by its singular objective: to respond a specific, pressing need. Unlike natal charts, which capture the astrological configurations present at birth, a horary chart is cast for the exact moment the astrologer understands and accepts a client’s question. The chart is tailored to the astrologer’s location, and the nature of the problem dictates which of the twelve houses become the focal point, ensuring each chart is uniquely attuned to the matter under review.

Planetary significators are assigned based on the question’s context, with the Moon, a central player in horary, acting as a general significator for the situation itself. The art of horary interpretation involves synthesizing planetary positions and their interactions with one another, to craft a coherent response to the querent’s query. While the foundational principles of astrology are retained, horary’s problem-solving nature sets it apart as a specialized and insightful tool within the astrological toolkit.

What is the consultation process?

I offer live consultations via Zoom, and written consultations.

Live consultations. You’ll make an appointment using my online scheduling platform. During our consultation, we’ll talk about the nature of your dilemma, discussing what you know and what you don’t, to make sure we’re aligned on what kind of information we’ll extract from astrology to help you guide your next steps. Using skills I’ve honed over hundreds of client consultations, I will provide my interpretation based on the information you provide, explain how I came to a conclusion, and make recommendations for next steps. After we disconnect, I will send you a PDF of the horary chart itself and a recording of our consultation. I will also ask you to follow up with me once the situation we reviewed moves forward for my own notes.

Written consultations. You’ll send me an email via my contact form, and we’ll replicate the experience outlined above via written correspondence.

How can an individual find a reputable horary astrologer, and what qualifications or certifications should they look for?

Finding a skilled horary astrologer can be like finding an expert in fields like literature or history. Though it’s a skill that can be self-taught, looking for evidence of formal study and hands-on experience can be key. Astrology is complex. Becoming good at it takes a lot of time and practice.

When you’re looking for a horary astrologer, check if they have formal training. Since astrology isn’t regulated, anyone with a good following online can claim to be an expert. Remember, being popular on social media means they’re good at attracting an audience, not necessarily that they’re experienced in chart interpretation.

I recommend looking for astrologers who have studied in established programs. In the UK, the Advisory Panel on Astrological Education (APAE) is a stamp of quality. In the US, Kepler College is a trusted name. These institutions have been around for a while and are known for their high standards.

But studying is just one part of being a good astrologer. The best in the field share their knowledge and experience through consulting, writing, and teaching. Look for those who strive to make contributions to the field after they’ve completed their education. Check reviews, read or listen to their work, or try out their services. These steps can give you a good feel for their skill level and whether they’re the right fit for you.

Fluent horary analysis makes use of house cusp degrees, so I do strongly recommend finding a horary astrologer who uses a quadrant house system (Regiomontanus, Placidus, Alcabitius, etc.).

In short, finding a reputable horary astrologer takes a bit of digging. Look beyond social media popularity. Check their training, experience, and available reputation indicators to find someone who can offer the insights and guidance you’re looking for.

Case studies written for prospective clients

Client consultations are at the heart of my practice, anchoring an active writing, teaching, and speaking schedule. My clients come from all walks of life, and verified reviews are available for review on my TrustPilot. Below are eleven demonstrations of my work in horary astrology, touching on a number of subjects and ranging in complexity. The horary chart I interpreted is also available for view – simply click on the image to see it enlarged.

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